Relativity Gordons

Ch. McErin Rock Solid Relativity JH
(Ch.Fleetwing Sam Spade x Ch. McErins Like a Rock)
Awarded a Junior Hunter title

Posterity Relativity Incognito
(Can Ch.Posterity's Magic at Famiga CD x Can Ch. Relativity Posterity Buyanose)
Sly at age 5 months, her first time in the field

Ch. Sunrunners Voyage to Relativity
(BISS Am/Can Ch.Cascade's Sunrunner Here Comes the Son x Am/Can Ch. Winteridge Sealgair Let it be)
Voya (and her favorite huntin buddy Ray Mangini) at 1 year retrieving her first pheasant from the water to hand!
Hunting titles qualify for the Birdsense part of the BBB award